Facundo Nehuén López
Cover and Comic Book Artist
Hello, my name is Facundo, I'm an argentinian comic book artist an author.
Here are some examples of the last comics I made. Let's work together!
Cole City, scripted by Shaun Manning. We dive into the Streamline Moderne aesthetic crossed by the German Expressionism of Fritz Lang's Metropolis. A uchronia about the revolution of the American Labor Party in the 1950s.
Sundari, the Sister of Buddha needs to recover the beads of Buddha's rosary, which was destroyed and scattered all over the East. Published on Webcomic Mutante.
Solar Parliament, a short story about a world that it is successfully transitioning to Solar Fusion, a new type of
renewable energy that is even cleaner and safer than nuclear power. Published on Metal Hurlant #9 (France).
Tsubame, a short story about an AI that grow into the Metaverse and desire to be part of the 2072 Paralympics in Japan. Published on Metal Hurlant #5 (France).
The most recent covers I worked on.
Las Hermanas Ocampo
Scripted by Diego Arandojo
Ringbreaker - Issue #1
Scripted by Alan Bahr